COMPANYCI Introduction

Global Bio Leader
Introducing the CI of Cell Biotech.

Symbol Mark

The symbol mark of Cell Biotech partially expresses the formation of lactic acid bacteria while expressing the image of a human being as a whole which come together to express an image of a corporation that conducts research in pursuit of extending human life.

Cell Biotech CI

  The symbol mark of Cell Biotech partially expresses the formation of lactic acid bacteria while expressing the image of a human being as a whole which come together to express an image of a corporation that conducts research in pursuit of extending human life.
  The main mark is designed in English to represent our intentions to align ourselves with our era of globalization.
  The main color of Deep Yellow expresses the discovery of new lactic acid bacteria as well as a company striving to achieve growth within an academic environment.
The Light Green expresses our company's philosophy of being an eco-friendly-company.
  Modifications of the form, color, or proportion of the Cell Biotech CI system that may result confusion are strictly prohibited. Use of the Cell Biotech CI must be in compliance with its intended form, color, and proportion.
Color representation is founded upon the four primary colors, but use of similar colors is possible.


Cell Biotech signiture

This CI is a copyrighted work of Cell Biotech Co., Ltd. It is prohibited to use or steal other than prior consultation.

Color System

The Cell Biotech CI exclusive color system incorporates only the main elements of Cell Biotech to create an image unique to Cell Biotech. The primary color Deep Yellow and Light Green incorporates our corporate philosophy of progressivity and extension of human life. The secondary colors are used to complement the primary colors. In addition, the six levels of gray tones can be used in addition to gone and silver tones when necessary. Color representation is based on the four primary colors, but the use of similar Pantone colors is allowed.

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